Stories & Highlights Page: 3

Showing 41-60 of 60 results

Cow and calf pair in a news can-cover-cropping-and-grazing-work-with-dryland-grain-farming

Can Cover-cropping and Grazing Work with Dryland Grain Farming?

Farmers know that planting one crop year after year is asking for trouble. It depletes the soil and leads to increased insect, weed and disease pressures. But in certain places, it’s also been the major agricultural system for decades. In north-central Washington, along the Canadian border, dryland wheat production has been the dominate production system […]

A tracker upturning soil in a news building-agricultural-capacity-in-alaskas-kenai-peninsula-one-row-of-potatoes-at-a-time

Building Agricultural Capacity in Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula One Row of Potatoes at a Time

The Kenai Peninsula is the fastest-growing agricultural region in Alaska, with the number of farms increasing at nearly three times the rate of the rest of the state.  But most of those farms are small – less than five acres – and selling direct to consumers at farmers markets or to local restaurants.  The Kenai […]

Food distribution news hawaii-and-the-pacific-islands-face-unique-challenges-during-the-covid-19-crisis

Hawaii and the Pacific Islands Face Unique Challenges During the COVID-19 Crisis

The agriculture community in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands is feeling the same impacts from COVID-19 as the mainland. But in addition, the islands face the added challenges of remoteness and having tourism-dependent economies.  The loss of tourism is a huge impact for all of the food system. Restaurants rely on tourists and the local […]

larry bailey on news western-ags-creative-strategies-during-covid-19-pandemic

Western Ag’s Creative Strategies During COVID-19 Pandemic

Farmers and ranchers in the West have confronted considerable challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic.  They have been dealing with rapidly changing markets, supply chain slowdowns, and shortages. Strongly shifting consumer behaviors and dramatic drops in demand from restaurants and schools required them, as well as farmer organizations, to respond quickly and creatively.  Responding quickly and […]

native american news focus-on-getting-research-results-adopted

Focus on Getting Research Results Adopted

Over the years, SARE has provided millions of dollars for research into sustainable agriculture practices through competitive awards to university researchers, non-profit organizations, extension agents, and directly to farmers and ranchers.  The grant recipients conduct their research, develops education and outreach activities, and write up their results. SARE publicizes those results, through reports and newsletters […]

Rancher in a brimmed hat and a brown button down in front of a news regenerative-agriculture-the-next-evolution-of-sustainable-farming

Regenerative Agriculture – The Next Evolution of Sustainable Farming?

Looking through all the projects funded by Western SARE since 1988, you’ll find 173 with the word “sustainable” in the title, including 11 projects funded in 2019. That’s not surprising. What might be surprising is that same 31-year period, there have been only four projects with “regenerative” in their titles – and all four of […]

A blue fish swimming to the left in a fish news turning-the-tide-on-overfishing

Turning the Tide on Overfishing

According to Simon Ellis, director of MERIP Micronesia, over-fishing is depleting natural resources in Micronesia and other parts of the Pacific, creating a clear need to develop alternatives for the economy and food security for fishing communities.  Sustainable, capture-based aquaculture and hatchery rearing methods of Rabbitfish hold promise not only for fisheries management and coral […] news en-espanol

En Espanol

Western SARE promueve la protección los recursos naturales y biológicos sobre los cuáles se basa la agricultura, la mejoría de la calidad de vida en comunidades rurales, y el incremento en las ganancias de las operaciones agrícolas, invirtiendo en proyectos innovativos de investigación y educación en agricultura sustentable. Western SARE apoya proyectos generados por productores, […]

cbb with news ipm-for-coffee-berry-borer

IPM for Coffee Berry Borer

When the coffee berry borer arrived in Hawaii 2010, Suzanne Shriner had a hard conversation with her parents. “I sat down with them at the kitchen table and told them we might have to get out of the coffee business,” she remembered. “It was a pretty sober moment, and it wouldn’t have been a good […]

Two people looking at a piece of paper together and news building-internal-capacity-for-the-blackfeet-tribe-agricultural-resource-management-plan

Building Internal Capacity for the Blackfeet Tribe Agricultural Resource Management Plan

The Blackfeet Tribe, according to Loren BirdRattler, faces exciting and challenging times in terms of achieving food sovereignty through sustainable agriculture practices. An important undertaking in progress – the Blackfeet Agricultural Resource Management Plan (ARMP) – will change agricultural practices on the Blackfeet Reservation for many years to come, as well as the economic futures […]

Cows grazing in a wheat news reducing-medusahead-and-preparing-the-land-for-restoration

Reducing Medusahead and Preparing the Land for Restoration

"Ranchers are hurting." That one thought is why Kip Panter, Research Animal Scientist at the USDA-ARS in Utah, is passionate about the collaborative work he, other Utah-based researchers, extension professionals, and ranchers have led to restore degraded grasslands. The inspired project team, studying at three ranches, found a “really good economical way to reduce medusahead […]