Grant Writing Tutorials & Webinars

Western SARE staff have developed a series of tutorials and webinars to assist as you prepare your proposal. Please take a moment to review which ones are appropriate for the grant program to which you're applying and view them prior to finalizing your proposal.

Upcoming Webinars

Western SARE Program Managers will host two webinars for applicants interested in the  Farmer Rancher grant program (August 7, 4:00 pm MT time) or the Professional + Producer grant program (August 8, 4:00 pm MT time).  

The webinars will focus on writing a Western SARE proposal narrative and budget, completing the required supporting documents, and navigating SARE’s online submission platform followed by participants’ questions.  We encourage you to read the corresponding Call for Proposals before attending these webinars.

Please register in advance:

Farmer/Rancher webinar

Professional + Producer webinar

Graduate Student R&E 2023 Webinar

Western SARE led a grant writing webinar on the Graduate Student grant program on October 25. This webinar addressed the sections of the grant narrative, the requirements for research with human subjects and animals, and the online submission process. The presentation on these topics was followed by a live Q&A session. View Recording. Also available on YouTube.

Como Escribir una Propuesta Productores Agricolas

¡Western SARE convoca a agricultores interesados ​​en desarrollar investigación y educación en agricultura sostenible! Este video proporciona información sobre la convocatoria y cómo redactar un proyecto para Western SARE. YouTube

Recorded Tips