Since 1988, SARE has awarded numerous grants in every state and Island Protectorate. Aimed at advancing sustainable innovations, these grants add up to an impressive portfolio of sustainable agriculture efforts across the nation.
If you have questions about Western SARE and funding opportunities that this website doesn’t answer, you can contact your state coordinator. They can help answer questions specifically about SARE grants and your potential research and education project, but not general questions or provide answers on how to fund land purchases or capital equipment.
Learn more about the state coordinator’s role.
State Contacts
Engly Ioanis

Featured Stories from Micronesia

Remembering Jackson Phillip
Jackson Phillip, long-time Western SARE PDP State Coordinator from Micronesia, passed away in September 2021. In his capacity of ANR Program Coordinator at the College of Micronesia, FSM, Jackson fulfilled his State Coordinator role since the very beginning of the Professional Development Program. That was in 1994 and former Associate PDP Coordinator Al Kurki remembers […]