Contact Information for All State Coordinators
SARE works to provide solutions to challenges in agriculture that are specific to region. Just as SARE is broken into four regions at the national level, each region is broken into its respective states and U.S. protectorates, helping ensure local solutions to local problems.
The Western SARE region comprises thirteen states and four U.S. Pacific island protectorates. A state coordinator represents each of the thirteen states and four U.S. Pacific island protectorates that are part of the Western region. The state coordinators assist in promoting sustainable agriculture locally through noncompetitive state grants operated through SARE's Professional Development Program and through promotion of SARE funded project results. Coordinators typically use their grants to conduct educational programs in sustainable agriculture. View state coordinators' roles and responsibilities.
Examples of recent educational programs include such activities as producing newsletters, holding conferences, developing web sites and creating program training materials for employees of ag support agencies. Target audiences, in addition to farmers and ranchers, are employees of Cooperative Extension, the Natural Resource Conservation Services and other agencies or nonprofit organizations supporting sustainable agriculture.