western.sare.org resources how-to-get-your-message-out How to Get Your Message Out This Online Communication Roadmap for Rangeland Professionals by the University of Arizona will help improve your skills and knowledge of online communication by outlining key strategies for communicating your rangeland or natural resources work to the right audiences. The authors suggestion you consider this the communication roadmap for when you want people to read a […]
western.sare.org resources user-guide-of-the-hazelnut-production-costing-tool User Guide of the Hazelnut Production Costing Tool Hazelnut growers can use this tool to estimate their costs of production. This information by Oregon Tilth can be used to help growers better understand their cost structure and explore how changes to production practices, yields and price will impact net returns and long-term viability. The link to the tool is included in the guide.
western.sare.org resources san-luis-valley-sustainable-ag-action-plan San Luis Valley Sustainable Ag Action Plan This plan is area focused: Southern Colorado’s San Luis Valley, the headwater region of the RioGrande. Irrigation in this high, arid valley is from a combination of surface water from the Rio Grandeand its tributaries, and pumping from confined and unconfined aquifers. Because these waterresources are overdrafted and connected, managing for sustainability of agriculture involves […]
western.sare.org resources test-compost-on-new-mexico-rangelands TEST-Compost on New Mexico Rangelands Emily Cornell with Sol Ranch and Zach Withers with Polk’s Folly Farm, both in New Mexico, describe their project applying compost to their rangelands through a Western SARE Farmer/Rancher grant. They were able to increase their forage production, water infiltration, and soil microbial activity. Zach notes that they increased forage production by 78% in year. […]
western.sare.org resources cab-collective-sustainable-agriculture-action-plan CAB Collective Sustainable Agriculture Action Plan The Sustainable Agriculture Action Plan for Cabernet Sauvignon and red Bordeaux (CAB) Wine Production in Paso Robles is a document developed by the Paso Robles CAB Collective winegrape growers, winemakers, marketers, proprietors, and other wine industry stakeholders under a pilot grant program by Western SARE. The plan addresses the specific needs of the Paso Robles […]
western.sare.org resources teaching-and-learning-best-practices-toolkit Teaching and Learning Best Practices Toolkit Impactful outreach and education programs get people to change something. When developing SARE-related programs, educators are most often trying to change behavior associated with the adoption of sustainable agricultural best management practices and/or technologies. Getting someone to change a behavior is not as easy as one may think. This toolkit will provide:
western.sare.org resources teaching-and-learning-best-practices-toolkit-for-developing-impactful-educational-programs Teaching and Learning: Best Practices Toolkit for Developing Impactful Educational Programs This toolkit will provide:
western.sare.org resources teaching-and-learning-best-practices-summary Teaching and Learning Best Practices Summary Using the right teaching and learning strategies can help create an experience that addresses your audiences' needs and will make your program participants eager to implement change. Learning styles of participants varies but research has shown learning style preferences themselves are not as important as ensuring the content of your educational programs are of high […]
western.sare.org resources needs-assessment-executive-summary Needs Assessment Executive Summary Western SARE has always strived to meet the needs of our region’s agricultural communities. Toward that end, we funded a needs assessment to better understand information gaps and future directions for research and outreach efforts related to sustainable agriculture in our region. The study also aimed to understand the regional differences that may exist across […]
western.sare.org resources heritage-grain-guidebook Heritage Grain Guidebook From 2016 through 2021, Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance (RMSA) worked with a grassroots network of nearly 200 grain growers in varying climates, initially across the Western United States and eventually growing nationally and globally, in trialing over 250 varieties of ancient and heritage grains including Indigenous and alternative (pseudo) grains to determine varieties that can […]
western.sare.org resources growing-mushrooms-to-remediate-contaminated-soil Growing Mushrooms to Remediate Contaminated Soil Mushrooms can bio-remediate certain contaminated soils, although it's not a simple or foolproof process. But for someone interested in mushrooms or already growing them, it can be work the effort.
western.sare.org resources food-safety-and-conservation-co-management-a-guide-for-hawaii-growers Food Safety and Conservation Co-Management: A Guide for Hawai‘i Growers A guide for Hawaii farmers interested in improving their efforts towards food safety and improving natural resource conservation, through co-management practices. This document acts as a resource to both learn more about suitable techniques while reviewing pros and cons as shared by local producers, as well as provide template language and guidance towards implementing such […]
western.sare.org resources utah-vegetable-production-pest-management-guide Utah Vegetable Production & Pest Management Guide Partially funded by Western SARE, the Utah Vegetable Production and Pest Management Guide is inclusive to all growers, whether commercial or hobbyist. Although content is specific to Utah, most content applies to the Intermountain West states. The book includes twelve chapters of specific production methods and comprehensive pest and treatment recommendations for crops representing brassicas, […]
western.sare.org resources growing-vegetables-in-non-circulating-hydroponic-beds Growing Vegetables in Non-Circulating Hydroponic Beds Growing vegetables hydroponically, such as bok choy or lettuce, can improve access to fresh produce in remote communities dependent on imported food. Additionally, the quality of locally grown produce can be higher than imported produce that can wilt during shipping. Download PDF
western.sare.org resources impacts-of-2017-funded-projects 2018 Annual Report and Impacts In 2018, Western SARE provided nearly $4 million in funding to projects in the region. These included Research & Education, Professional + Producer, Professional Development, Farmer/Rancher and Graduate Student grants.
western.sare.org resources impacts-of-2018-funded-projects 2019 Annual Report and Impacts In 2019, Western SARE provided over $5.6 million in funding to projects in the region. These included Research & Education, Professional + Producer, Professional Development, Farmer/Rancher, Research to Grassroots, and Graduate Student grants.
western.sare.org resources choosing-between-two-good-chicken-housing-systems WSARE Quick Guide: Choosing Between Two Good Chicken Housing Systems For people raising broiler chickens, different housing options are available. Moveable cages that allow chickens to flock, as they do naturally, and eat bugs from the grass can produce a healthier animal, cut feed costs and produce a tastier meat. Two such caging methods are the Hubbell Bubble and WARE system.
western.sare.org resources preventing-soil-acidification-in-montana-and-elsewhere WSARE Quick Guide: Preventing Soil Acidification in Montana (and Elsewhere) Most agricultural soils in Montana are not naturally acidic. However, crop losses due to increasing soil acidification have now occurred in 24 Montana counties. Farming practices – specifically applying excess ammonium-based nitrogen fertilizers – can increase soil acidity relatively rapidly. In Idaho, for example, ag soils went from neutral to significantly acidic in about 25 […]