Project Modifications

We understand issues and challenges can arise throughout the life of your Western SARE project. With this in mind, the project PI may request modifying their project.  This section details the common modifications a PI may need to request. 

For all proposed changes, please download and complete the Western SARE Project Modification Request Form .

Please be aware that for Western SARE to consider any project modification request(s), the PI must be up-to-date on required Progress Reports and the subrecipient must be current on invoicing for project-related expenses. 

Email the completed form and any attachments to the Program Manager for your grant:

Please be sure to copy:

Once we receive your modification request, we will review the proposed change(s) and follow up with any questions.  If the modifications are approved, MSU Office of Sponsored Programs will draft an amended Subaward Agreement and send it to the subrecipient contacts for review and signature.  Note: modifications can take up to six weeks to process so please plan accordingly. 

Types of Modifications:

No-Cost Extension  

Western SARE grantees may request a no-cost extension for their project if it will not be completed by the project end date. Grantees are required to submit their requests at least 30-days prior to the project end date. 

No-cost extensions are not guaranteed. Your request must be complete, address all questions, and include sufficient justification. Please note: the fact that funds are expected to remain unobligated at the expiration of the award is not in itself sufficient to justify a no-cost extension. You may request an extension of one-to-twelve months in length; however, bear in mind that the approved length of your no-cost extension will be dependent upon the amount of time remaining on the USDA-NIFA Cooperative Agreement from which your grant (subaward agreement) is funded. Example: for grants awarded in 2019, extensions beyond December 31, 2022 will NOT be permitted. 

Second or subsequent no-cost extensions are discouraged. However, if an additional extension is needed, another justification addressing why the project could not be completed within the previous extension period must be provided, noting extenuating circumstances such as weather-related events, personnel changes, unavailability of necessary equipment, etc. Remaining funds or poor management is not considered an extenuating circumstance. 

Once the NCE request is approved, Western SARE will update the end date for your project in the SARE Grant Management System (GMS). 

Important note about no-cost extensions and progress reports: an additional progress report will be required should the extension fall during the timeframe when one is due, or a progress report may be required prior to NCE approval if the original end date of your project falls near the time when a progress report would have been due.  See Reporting Expectations above for more details.  The reporting requirements for your project will be updated in the amended Subaward Agreement (see Attachment 4A).


Minor re-budgeting from one budget category to another is permissible to carry out the original approved Scope of Work (see Attachment 5A of the Subaward Agreement). Significant spending outside of the approved budget can be an indication the project’s scope had changed.  Therefore, re-budgeting among budget categories in excess of 10% of the overall award amount and/or introducing a new budget category requires Western SARE pre-approval.  Additionally, if project invoices indicate over-spending in one or more budget category in excess of 10% of the total award amount has occurred and/or a new budget category has been introduced, payment may be delayed until a re-budget request is submitted and approved.  Western SARE compares project-related expenses reflected on invoices to the approved budget found in Attachment 5 of the Subaward Agreement.  Please reference your approved budget often.

If you are proposing adding or changing a lower-tier subrecipient on your project (this is a subaward your institution will issue from your Western SARE subaward with MSU), complete the re-budget section of the form if the change impacts your budget. Attach a Scope of Work for the proposed new lower-tier subrecipient as well as a detailed budget and justification.  A letter of commitment from the lower-tier subaward PI must also be included.   

When submitting a re-budget request, please be sure to include justification for all changes.

Change of Principal Investigator (PI)

If the project PI can no longer fulfill their obligation through the end of the period of performance, a formal request for a PI change must be submitted to Western SARE for consideration and approval. An email originating from the current/named PI relinquishing their role must accompany the PI change request.

In addition to the Western SARE Project Modification Request Form, please be sure to include the following:

  • A letter of commitment from the proposed, new PI
  • New PI’s curriculum vitae/resume
  • New PI’s Current & Pending support

Additionally, if the new PI does not already have a profile set up within the SARE Grant Management System (GMS), they must create a profile before the new PI request will be approved.  Please visit and click on “Create an Account” to get started. 

Note: if there is a change in co-PI, you need only email Western SARE about the change (no form necessary).  The co-PI is not named in the Subaward Agreement; therefore, the change does not warrant an amendment.  Western SARE will update the project record in the SARE Grant Management System (GMS) to reflect the co-PI change.  If the new co-PI does not have already have an account set up in the SARE GMS, please advise them to do so.  This can be accomplished by going to: and clicking on the “Create an account” link. 

Revised Scope of Work

Revisions to the Scope of Work that result in significant changes to the project outcomes and objectives will only be considered under extenuating circumstances.  Such revisions must be reviewed and approved by the Western SARE Executive Committee. In addition to the justification for the changes, please be sure to include the revised Scope of Work to be included in the amended Subaward Agreement

Generating Program Income

If a current Western SARE subrecipient DID NOT include program income in their grant proposal, the PI, Authorized Official, or fiscal officer must request prior approval from Western SARE at least 30 days prior to when program income will be generated.  Please check the “Other Project Modification” section and provide responses to the five questions on the last page of the form provided above.  Submit the form to the Western SARE Fiscal Manager and appropriate Program Manager.

Other Modifications

If you have a modification request other than those mentioned above, please fill out the top portion of page 1 of the form, indicate “Other Project Modification” on page 3 and provide a justification on page 4.  When submitting your request, include relevant attachments as needed.