The educational materials listed on this page are about High Tunnels or Hoop Houses.
A high tunnel or hoop house is a covered structure used to achieve season extension, or commercial fruit and vegetable production outside the usual growing season. Common vegetables to grow in high tunnels include tomatoes, peppers, leafy greens and lettuces, strawberries and brambles. Getting started with commercial hoop house farming requires a fairly modest investment in a structure, along with knowledge of high tunnel vegetable production, such as management of nutrients, pests, irrigation and temperature. Visit SARE’s High Tunnels and Other Season Extension Techniques topic room for detailed information on hoop house plans and hoop house construction, as well as other management topics. You can also find information about sustainable commercial greenhouse production in the High Tunnels and Other Season Extension Techniques topic room.
If you are interested in season extension through high tunnel farming or gardening, the resources on this page can help. Dig deeper for information on how to build a high tunnel or hoop house, how to manage vegetable and fruit production in one, and ideas for marketing.
Showing 1-3 of 3 results

Growing Vegetables in Non-Circulating Hydroponic Beds
Growing vegetables hydroponically, such as bok choy or lettuce, can improve access to fresh produce in remote communities dependent on imported food. Additionally, the quality of locally grown produce can be higher than imported produce that can wilt during shipping. Download PDF
Photosynthesis & Hydroponics Lesson & Demonstration
Mt. Lata Farm in America Samoa created a Teachers' Resource Tool Kit with lesson plans on growing vegetables using hydroponics. This is one sample. For more information, contact the Project Leader .

Increasing Professional Knowledge of High Tunnels in Alaska
Sustainable Agriculture Fact Sheet July 2020 State: Alaska Commodity: Many Need: Increased knowledge of agriculture professionals about the construction and production in high tunnels in Alaska, so they can better assist growers. Background: High tunnels are regionally important in Alaska for season extension and provide a growing environment that allows for production of crops […]