resources maintenance-of-natural-sustainable-riparian-communities-fact-sheets-series Maintenance of Natural Sustainable Riparian Communities Fact Sheets Series Miranda Meehan, a graduate student from North Dakota State University, created five extension fact sheets after monitoring and reporting on the riparian ecosystem associated with the Middle Sheyenne River, a... resources on-farm-smart-energy-buying-and-use On-Farm Smart Energy Buying and Use This is part of the Farm Energy IQ Curriculum Series. With the understanding of deregulated energy markets and having an option to buy energy at less expensive times of the... resources on-farm-energy-efficiency On-Farm Energy Efficiency This curriculum module covers the fundamentals of energy systems. Basic thermodynamics, heat transfer, energy conversion processes and discussion of energy efficiency and specific applications on farms are addressed. Topics include:... resources on-farm-energy-production-biofuels On-Farm Energy Production - Biofuels The On Farm Energy Production Curriculum Series topics include: Bioenergy Feedstock Production | Biodiesel and Straight Vegetable Oil | Biogas | Wood and Grass Pellets... resources on-farm-energy-production-solar On-Farm Energy Production - Solar This solar electricity and solar thermal module provides a basic understanding and how to calculate a simple payback term for the installation of different size systems. Learn about programs that... resources on-farm-energy-production-wind On-Farm Energy Production - Wind Is wind energy a viable option for your home or business to lower reliance on the grid supplied electricity? In this module, learn how to gauge your the wind resource... resources on-farm-research On-Farm Research On-farm research is an excellent approach to gaining confidence in current management practices or to help identify the need for a change.... resources growing-mushrooms-to-remediate-contaminated-soil Growing Mushrooms to Remediate Contaminated Soil Mushrooms can bio-remediate certain contaminated soils, although it's not a simple or foolproof process. But for someone interested in mushrooms or already growing them, it can be work the effort.... resources solar-energy-training-program Solar Energy Training Program Informative fact sheets/bulletins on the fundamentals of solar photovoltaic energy systems. This training includes the following documents (PDF): Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Site Assessment Demystifying the Solar Module Mounting Your Solar... resources a-sunn-hemp-cover-crop-for-soil-health-and-nematode-management A Sunn Hemp Cover Crop for Soil Health and Nematode Management These University of Hawaii fact sheets and virtual field day explain how to use sunn hemp as a cover crop to control weeds, nematodes and other pests, add soil nutrients,... resources large-raspberry-aphid Large Raspberry Aphid Large raspberry aphid is notable as a vector of viruses in Rubus, including Raspberry leaf mottle virus (RLMV, semi-persistent) and Raspberry latent virus (RpLV, persistent) in red raspberry, and Black... resources common-nrcs-practices-related-to-pest-management-on-organic-farms Common NRCS Practices Related to Pest Management on Organic Farms This document demonstrates how certain NRCS practices that have primary resource protection benefits can also have significant Integrated Pest Management benefits to organic producers.... resources earwigs-found-to-be-beneficial-in-apple-orchards Earwigs Found to be Beneficial in Apple Orchards Sustainable Agriculture Fact Sheet April 2020 Crop: Apples Need: Discovering whether earwigs are pest, neutral or beneficial insects in apple orchards States: Washington ... resources helping-farmers-profit-with-winter-squash Helping Farmers Profit with Winter Squash Sustainable Agriculture Fact Sheet June 2020 State: Oregon Commodity: Squash Need: Squash varieties that store well (and taste good) for winter sales Background: Winter squash is a delicious and nutritious... resources increasing-professional-knowledge-of-high-tunnels-in-alaska Increasing Professional Knowledge of High Tunnels in Alaska Sustainable Agriculture Fact Sheet July 2020 State: Alaska Commodity: Many Need: Increased knowledge of agriculture professionals about the construction and production in high tunnels in Alaska, so they can better... resources improving-breadfruit-production-in-hawaii Improving Breadfruit Production in Hawai‘i Sustainable Agriculture Fact Sheet June 2020 Background: Breadfruit has an array of potential ecological, social and economic benefits for Hawai‘i. Hawai‘i’s long history with breadfruit is founded on a body... resources using-beneficial-insects-to-combat-pests-and-engage-growers Using Beneficial Insects to Combat Pests and Engage Growers Sustainable Agriculture Fact Sheet July 2020 State: California Commodity: Wine grapes Need: An economical way to control leafroll virus, which is spread by vine mealybugs Summary: Leafroll virus is infecting... resources adapting-cut-flower-production-for-utahs-climate-and-soils Adapting Cut Flower Production for Utah’s Climate and Soils Sustainable Agriculture Fact Sheet July 2020 State: Utah Commodity: Cut Flowers Need: Science-based fertilizer and production recommendations for a new and growing industry Summary: Growing cut flowers as... resources farmer-and-rancher-research Farmer and Rancher Research in the West Making changes on the farm or ranch involves taking risks. One or two years spent experimenting can lead to a financial hit too difficult to recover from. That’s where Western SARE’s... resources supporting-agriculture-in-the-pacific-islands Supporting Agriculture in the Pacific Islands Stories, photos, links to videos, and more from 2019 when 27 Western SARE members traveled to 9 Pacific islands, meeting with and providing training to 200+ farmers, ag professionals, officials,...