Projects: 2
Funds: $70,808
Farmers who have already or plan to change a practice
Farmers who attended an educational or outreach activiy
Farmers reporting change in knowledge, attitude or skills
Ag professionals who attended an educational activity
Farmers who particpated in SARE-sponsored research
In 2018, Western SARE provided nearly $4 million in funding to projects in the region. These included Research & Education, Professional + Producer, Professional Development, Farmer/Rancher and Graduate Student grants.
See Read more about our 2018 Projects
Projects: 2
Funds: $70,808
Projects: 2
Funds: $70,808
Projects: 2
Funds: $70,808
Projects: 9
Funds: $682,020
Projects: 3
Funds: $375,709
Rangeland monitoring, dairy manure seperation, soil-heath training
Projects: 3
Funds: $299,924
Pulse crops in dryland farming, a rangeland institute, livestock and crop rotations
Projects: 1
Funds: $19,231
Using movable coops as "chicken tractors" in banana plantations
Projects: 9
Funds: $685,492
Olive, broccoli and berry production, squash storage rots, cover crop performance
Projects: 4
Funds: $299,966
Projects: 3
Funds: 304,302
Cover crops, Canada thistle management, seed saving
Projects: 1
Funds: $70,447
Cage farming and hatchery-rearing of rabbitfishes
Projects: 9
Funds: $497,917
Projects: 1
Funds: $25,000
Integrating biological control and selective insecticides
Projects: 4
Funds: $206,001
Biofumigation, mite-resistant bee colonies, sustainable ranch management